Raw Artists

Raw Artists

We made an appearance at @rawartists Holiday Rawk DC showcase December 17th 2019. We had a mini pop up booth set up presenting some of our recent collections, new concepts currently in the works and collaborations that we have proudly been a part of.

This was a great opportunity for us to show our brand to the world around us. We were able to connect face to face with people interested with our brand. We also had a chance to see those familiar with us who wanted to hear what we have planned for the next phase. We were truly grateful to be part of this event regardless and had a blast! 

Squared Limited, embodies one belief, the belief to 'Be Limitless.' When it comes to being on the soccer pitch or dealing with the pressures life brings around it's easy to feel boxed in with very little options. Squared Limited represents those who use their uniqueness to enrich their belief in themselves. Followers of Sqdltd know that there is always a way as long as your open to it. The mind is a powerful thing; it's an unlimited source of energy. So what's stopping you from being limitless?

You can also follow the brand on Instagram and Facebook @sqdltd to catch clips of our preparation for the show and to learn more about our brand. Uploads of the event will be up on our Youtube channel soon. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell to be notified when we post!


Raw Artists Holiday Rawk SQDLTDHoliday Rawk SQDLTDSQDLTD Raw Artists DC


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