Meet Lil Chapeau

Meet Lil Chapeau

Our 12th man, our fans, our Mom’s who support us sitting in the stands, our Dad’s who cheer on the sidelines waving their hands, our sisters who finally look up from their phones when they can, our brothers who drive us to practice in their sedan, Lil Chapeau, is a representation of all of the people who support our game, during the highs and lows.


Lil Chapeau

They take up the mantle when we can’t. They give us the power to continue and provide us with a lending hand when we need it. 

Lil Chapeau, watches over us and we hope Lil Chapeau, will watch over you. Our mascot will feature on select pieces along the course of our journey.

Make sure to look out for our supporter throughout our collections and kits. These pieces will only appear for a limited time.


Chapeau Shorts

Chapeau Shorts 2

 (Examples Not For Sale)

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